FaithWalkers Ministry

Christian Podcast and Blog

A Few Notes on Hope

Notes on Hope

God is the God of hope. His very presence ushers it in! Yet this simple truth and the instructions that follow hold a depth more vast than we often realize. You want hope? Get God. Simple, right? For as simple as it may be, there’s a lot of depth to hope and understanding how it works. Hope transcends situations and circumstances. Your circumstances, the ones that pursue us from days past to the ones looming on the horizon – past present or future – all can have been or seemingly be devoid of Hope, but as soon as God enters the situation…hope steps in. Amen! Our God brings hope into it. This hope is literally based on the mere presence of God/Jesus Christ alone.

The Breakdown:

  • Because our Jesus Christ/God is hope he has the right and the ability to fill us with joy and peace.
  • Through the act of believing/having faith in God, we are able to obtain joy and peace as additional benefits.
  • It is God’s intent that we not only be given joy and peace but that we actually abound / dwell/live in hope.
  • To “abound in hope” really means to abound or dwell in him who is God/the Lord Jesus Christ. It is achieved through belief in him. As we believe in him we abound in him.
  • As we believe, God responds to our faith in him by filling us with joy and peace. We respond to him with belief, he in turn responds to us with a supply of joy and peace. This process constitutes the state of abounding in hope.
  • The strength to believe and to keep on believing in Jesus, comes through the power of the Holy Ghost! The Holy Ghost (who is God, not a separate God nor a member in a Pantheon or council of gods. God is one Deut 6:4) influences and empowers one to make and maintain the decision to believe in Jesus/God almighty.

The Bottom Line:

Jesus our Lord and God is the God of Hope. He brings hope and he is our hope. Through the avenue of faith in Jesus / God we enter the state of dwelling or abiding in he who is hope. While dwelling in this state we receive the benefits of joy and peace. And all of this is made possible both initially and on a continual basis by the power of the Holy Ghost/Jesus Christ / God almighty.

A Few Notes on Hope
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